Data protection notice


Effective date: July 1, 2022 

WizeBulk (we) attach great importance to the protection of your Personal Data and undertake to ensure that your Personal Data is processed in strict compliance with the Applicable Laws and Regulations on Personal Data Protection as defined in Article 2 Definition of our Privacy Policy. 

This WizeBulk’s Privacy Policy explains how WizeBulk processes and protects the customers and suppliers (you) Personal Data. 

Our Privacy Policy will enable you to better understand how your Personal Data is processed, as well as the means available to you to exercise your rights under Applicable Laws and Regulations on Personal Data Protection. 

This Privacy Policy is applicable to all processing of Personal Data implemented by WizeBulk in providing its services through the WizeBulk’s platform and its website. 

WizeBulk takes the protection of your Personal Data very seriously. We are used to secure our process and databases, and we protect your data in the same way we protect ours. Our awareness of these matters makes us a reliable partner for the security and confidentiality of your data. We know that in the digital area, processing the data you entrust us with is crucial to fulfill our duty to provide you with the best services and to help you make the best decisions.  

Please note that we act as service provider and Data processor of the Supplier, and we do not process your data and Personal data on the WizeBulk’s Platform for our own purposes. All the data on the WizeBulk’s Platform is the property of the Supplier and of the Customer. 


The terms and expressions starting with a capital letter in this Privacy Policy have the meaning given to them in this section 1 or in this Privacy Policy, whether used in the singular or in the plural. The terms and expressions starting with a capital letter and not defined in this Article are defined in the GDPR (in particular under its article 4 (Definition)).

 Applicable Laws and Regulations on Personal Data Protection means the Regulation EU 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data and any local law supplementing it (“GDPR”); the Directive 2002/58/EC of 12 July 2002 concerning the Processing of Personal Data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications and any local law supplementing it (“ePrivacy”), each as updated from time to time, and all derived and related laws and regulations, including for national when applicable.  

WizeBulk means a French simplified joint-stock company with a single shareholder (“société par actions simplifiée à associé unique”) with a capital of 10 000,00 euros, incorporated and registered in R.C.S of Bordeaux (FRANCE) with company number 913808879, whose registered office is at 9 Rue de Condé 33000 Bordeaux – France. WizeBulk provides to Customers and Suppliers the WizeBulk’s Platform.

Customer means customers of a Supplier in the dry bulk shipping industry.  

Supplier means the company which supplies a service in the dry bulk shipping industry to a Customer. 

WizeBulk’s platform means the digital platform on which Customers and Suppliers may have access to the information about their shipments, contracts, invoices, markets updates and emissions reports.


Effective date: July 1, 2022 WizeBulk (we) attach great importance to the protection of your Personal Data and undertake to ensure that your Personal Data is processed in strict compliance with the Applicable Laws and Regulations on Personal Data Protection as defined in Article 2 Definition of our Privacy Policy. This WizeBulk’s Privacy Policy explains how WizeBulk processes and protects the customers and suppliers (you) Personal Data. Our Privacy Policy will enable you to better understand how your Personal Data is processed, as well as the means available to you to exercise your rights under Applicable Laws and Regulations on Personal Data Protection. This Privacy Policy is applicable to all processing of Personal Data implemented by WizeBulk in providing its services through the WizeBulk’s platform and its website. WizeBulk takes the protection of your Personal Data very seriously. We are used to secure our process and databases, and we protect your data in the same way we protect ours. Our awareness of these matters makes us a reliable partner for the security and confidentiality of your data. We know that in the digital area, processing the data you entrust us with is crucial to fulfill our duty to provide you with the best services and to help you make the best decisions.  Please note that we act as service provider and Data processor of the Supplier, and we do not process your data and Personal data on the WizeBulk’s Platform for our own purposes. All the data on the WizeBulk’s Platform is the property of the Supplier and of the Customer. 

Who are Data controllers and Data processors?

Supplier and Customer act as Data controller for Personal Data they processed within the scope of their own data Processing activities.  

WizeBulk act as:
- Data controller for Personal Data processed within the scope of our own data Processing activities (see section 4 below)
- Data processor for Personal Data entrusted to us by Suppliers and Customers (for instance: information about shipment, invoices, sustainability, contracts). When we act as Data processor, we process the data upon the documented instructions and guidelines of the Data controller always with respect to Applicable Laws and Regulations on Personal Data Protection. 

Our compliance with general principles of Applicable Laws and Regulations on Personal Data Protection

We undertake to comply with the general principles arising from Applicable Laws and Regulations on Personal Data Protection, and to be able to prove this compliance at any time. We agree to process Personal Data:

- Lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation with the Data subject;
- For specified, explicit, legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes (except if it is in accordance with article 89(1) of the GDPR;
- Adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which these data are processed;Accurate and where necessary, kept up to date;
- Kept in a form which permit identification of Data subjects for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which Personal data are processed;
- In a manner, that ensures appropriate security of the Personal Data;
- In compliance with the principles of privacy by design and by default in terms of tools, products, applications of services.

Information about our processing activities as Data controller: purposes of Processing, Personal Data processed, legal basis and retention period 

 The table below details the reasons why we process Personal Data, which Personal Data we process, upon which legal basis and for how long. 
Personal Data
Legal basis
Retention period

Improvement of our website and of the WizeBulk’s Platform and production of internal statistics 

Identity and content of the request if necessary and if the improvement is related to an user query 

Legitimate interest of Wizebulk 

Duration of improvement 

The use of cookies 


Consent of the users when it is required by the Applicable Laws and Regulations on Personal Data Protection. When the consent of the users is not necessary, the Processing may take place on the basis of the legitimate interest of WizeBulk in order to improve the navigation of the website or the use of the WizeBulk’s Platform.

Retention period according to French law

Sending of emails relating to improvements and updates of the WizeBulk’s Platform 

Contact details

Legitimate interest of Wizebulk

As long as the user has an active account except opposition from your part

Management of Accounts creation and maintenance 

Identity, contact details, position, photo

Performance of the contract with the Supplier

As long as the user has an active account

Processing of your feedbacks on the bugs encountered or on the suggestions to make to improve the WizeBulk’s Platform

Identity if necessary

Legitimate interest of Wizebulk

Until the final processing of your feedback or the bug 

Contract management with Supplier 

Identity and contact details of the Personnel in charge of the performance of the contract 

Performance of the contract with the Supplier

Contract duration and then 5 years after the end of the relationship 

Management of our back-office used to administer our systems

Identity, contact details, position

Legitimate interest of Wizebulk

As long as the user has an active account

Provision of requested technical assistance or support 

Identity, contact details, if necessary, summary of your request

Legitimate interest of Wizebulk

Time required to respond to your request for information or support

How do we share your Personal data with and why? 

We may share your Personal data with our personnel subject to a prior confidentiality obligation, to the competent authorities upon request according to Applicable Laws and Regulations on Personal Data Protection, and with our service providers for instance for the hosting of your data, management of our systems etc.  

In any case, we are being vigilant to ensure the confidentiality of the data sharing and we also ensure that our providers present sufficient guarantees before sharing with us the data.

How can you control the processing activities we do on your Personal data?

According to Applicable Laws and Regulations on Personal Data Protection your have rights which allow you to exercise a real control over your Personal data and how we process them: 

- You can request access to your Personal data
- Your can ask for the correction and the deletion of your Personal data
- You can object to the processing of your Personal data based on legitimate interests and for commercial prospecting purposes 
- You can suspend the use of your Personal dataYou can withdraw your consent at any time
- You have rights against an automated decisionYou can request the portability of part of your Personal data 
- You can lodge a complaint to the competent Supervisory authority 

 If you which to exercise the rights listed above, please contact us:

- At our office: WizeBulk, 9 Rue de Condé 33000 Bordeaux
- Or by email:  

How do we protect your Personal data?

Considering the state of art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risk of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, WizeBulk implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, including inter alia as appropriate:

- The pseudonymisation and encryption of Personal Data;
- The ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of processing systems and services;
- The ability to restore the availability and access to Personal Data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident;
- A process for regularly testing, assessing, and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures for ensuring the security of the Processing.

Cross border data transfers

In the event our activities require a transfer of Personal Data to a country outside the EEA, we agree to provide a lawful framework to this transfer according to Applicable Laws and Regulations on Personal Data Protection.
The cross-border data transfer shall be conditioned to on any export being carried out (i) on the terms of appropriate safeguards (for instance the EU standard clauses on the transfer of Personal Data in their latest version in force and according to the module applicable to the Personal Data transfer), or based on as adequacy decision.

Evolution of this Privacy Policy

We may modify this Privacy Policy at any time, considering product, legal and regulatory changes.  

The version that prevails is the one accessible online on our website. You therefore must refer to the version available online at the time of your access and use our website or the WizeBulk’s Platform. 

However, the Personal data will always be processed in accordance with the current applicable Privacy Policy at the time of their collection, unless otherwise permitted by law. 


For any query with this Privacy Policy or with the way WizeBulk processes your Personal data, please contact us by email to: or by letter: WizeBulk, 9 Rue de Condé 33000 Bordeaux.